As life is hard enough as it is right now, adding a bit of kindness and gentleness with yourself, your family and friends can go a long way. Kindness includes lowering your expectations of yourself and others.
Know that during this crisis it is not unusual to feel isolated, scared, depressed or anxious. You may be asking “when will this come to an end;” “what will happen if this goes on for longer?” These are normal and valid concerns.
So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed, sometimes simply talking about how you’re feeling can decrease your worry. If you are feeling like you could use a little extra support right now, I am here to help (virtually) and I have opened up a bunch of extra time slots on my calendar over the next several weeks to provide support.
Remember that everything has a beginning, a middle and an end. While the COVID-19 pandemic is a global challenge, we will eventually get to the “end” of this, as we as individuals and a community have the capacity to cope and grow through adversity.