Some people are understandably hesitant to make the switch to virtual counselling sessions because it’s a new way of doing things. But, if you’ve ever Facetimed, video chatted, or Skyped with friends or family, it’s very similar; you just need a computer, iPad, tablet or your phone. As many people are many people working from […]
Category: General
Anxiety During COVID-19
Physical distancing, isolation measures, and the closure of schools and workplaces affect what we love to do, where we want to go, and who we want to be with. It’s normal for us to feel a spike in stress, anxiety, fear and loneliness during this unsettling time. It is important for us to acknowledge what […]
Connecting during Physical Distancing
In the past weeks our emotional climate has changed dramatically, our world has become an unfamiliar place, our daily routines and schedules have profoundly altered. Stress of the unknown from a health and economic perspective, are leaving most people feeling anxious and fearful about what the future holds. Tension and emotions can run high for […]
A Changing World
As life is hard enough as it is right now, adding a bit of kindness and gentleness with yourself, your family and friends can go a long way. Kindness includes lowering your expectations of yourself and others. Know that during this crisis it is not unusual to feel isolated, scared, depressed or anxious. You may […]
People Pleasing: the Hidden Dangers
One common behavioral pattern I have seen over and over again in my office is people talking about how they are unable to say no to people in their lives, whether volunteering for events, baking cupcakes for school or spending hours helping others people with their projects. Other common reason people say yes is because […]